

I just started playing and your tips will help me a lot!

I am a dutchman unaware of what Chelsea Manning did, who trusts his fellow kotakuites more than Google. Whats going on here?

I love you.

And the Prey 2 i wish they would have thrown the budget at.

You are talented.

Forgive my ignorance, but what is he from?


Only developers (and publishers!) with the most ridiculously enormous balls dare to hide the best content of their game behind the fucking ending.

A star wasnt enough, i have to type that i agree with you. So here we go:


And now youve blown mine, thank you!

It really should have been four rabbids, and then the Mario gang dressed up as rabbids.

Lots of people like to roleplay. They see COD as a way to recreate war situations. Infinite warfare wasnt based on real wars, so whatever.

Political correctness.

No problem.

I wish you a quick recovery!

You act as if Nintendo has stopped New 3DS production. Until it does that, it hasnt said goodbye to 3D. For all we know, the New 3DS models will remain the flagship handhelds.

I get your point, but if company policy, views and goals havent changed, and new staff has been trained by old staff, a company can remain relatively the same even when all staff has been replaced.

Although youre right, Schreier really didnt need to include that Chrono Trigger game. Then you can have both environment quests.