I had it on Gamecube, it was pretty fun!
I had it on Gamecube, it was pretty fun!
The GBA version!
I would like to thank *everyone* who hates on Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft while defending their favourite console.
Quit patronizing white males, you fucking racist.
I have thick eyebrows. Anyone know which comic features a hero with thick eyebrows. I have no one to be interested in :(
Since 3rd of march, my wife plays on my XBox One and PS4 has been detached from my main HDMI connection.
If a person is standing between my controller and my tv, its most likely my wife.
Only slightly related, but... Does zelda at least count and show how many hours youve played? I have a mild disorder that makes me intensely happy to see how much ive played a game. It only affects me in bigger open games, for some reason. In linear games i care less.
Its a tablet with two controllers that attach to it. You can play it on Tv or on the road. It wil play Nintendo games like Mario, Zelda and Splatoon. Many indie devs are developing for it. Bigger triple A titles will probably not run on it. A virtual console is coming.
In other news, a new scientific study has proven that skipping steak altogether appears to have some health benefits for the animals involved.
Nope, its being manipulated by another program, and combined with data from other roms.
Please let us know his reaction, im curious if he is as amazed as we are, or if he says “knew that, just too much work”.
I was all set to start playing this game yesterday. Then it didnt show up on PSN.
Get off your white steed and look at this realistically.
Whats wrong with you and me. Why do we have Peter Pan Syndrome?
It might be a dick move, but i could look through that because Diana seemed to be complaining about NIS. For nothing.
He/she is right though, but how do you explain *your* condescending tone?
I know im in the minority, but FF XV ruined final fantasy for me more than FF XIII ever did. It stops me from getting excited about VII remake.
Somebody needs to build the smallest VR headset in the world.