Great God Glycon


Glad to see some old school commenters come out of the woodwork to share their joy at a new Cronenberg picture! Quick! Back to wherever it is we go!

I am glad I am not the only one who sees this. Love Armin.

I am pretty sure it happened with Knives Out but that is a big studio movie and your point stands.

It ends tonight!

I was prepared to not agree with this piece but then I watched the movie and read this right after and I have to say I do agree with most of what you said here.

Are you not aware that everything you say is “interesting” about NFTs are things that are done perfectly well with current technology? Something as simple as a UPC hash can do everything you mentioned without bringing the blockchain into it. Something as simple as a watermark can be used to legitimize online

And why would you think that? Would it be maybe because she is black and you are a racist?

What does this mean? Explain it in words an idiot like myself might understand.

Violence is not the way. Public violence is absolutely not the way. Get over your ego.

Lucy Liu has said there was a "physical altercation" which i thinks means she slapped the piss out of him after his comments. If so, well done.

Who starred this hate?

It is a lot like Valkyria Chronicles. I'd even say it gets a bit more difficult than those games, though.

This game is so much fun for an XCOM nerd like myself. Do yourself a favor though, do not look at the reviews on Xbox. Its full of anti-science and Trump trolls.

It is great. Also he never said that. In fact, he knew some people, people like you, would be disappointed. He even put a goddamned disclaimer in the book. ETA: My bad and apologies. I realize now you are talking about that movie I have convinced myself doesn't exist.

That's it? What a dry fart of an article.

That's it? What a dry fart of an article.

DJ Pooh should not be confused with MC Pooh.

Bill Murray may be a dick, but unnecessary video articles still suck.

I agree, but I think it can still be that depending on what you are focusing on. Right now I am going around to the home planets of people I know and building some things for them. Last night I just made a bunch of fuel and went into free explore looking for Shard Moons.

This is the most lucid and on the rails interviews I have seen or read with Lynch since the mid 90s. Kudos.