… Fuck.
… Fuck.
By knowing the voice of the video game character (he was a fan of the Witcher series before taking on Geralt’s role in the show), and accidentally defaulting to it during a scene because you’re a method actor like that.
Would have believed Cavill found his Geralt voice whenever he said this word
Modders don’t lose “all agency over their works”. All this change does is preserve archive copies of older versions so collections designed to work with specific versions can download those specific versions without the mod author pulling them. The only ‘agency’ lost is the ability to hard delete old versions and even…
It’s a pretty standard requirement of any hosted package management system.
The one truth I’ve realized from following the Skyrim modding scene, is that creators get very weird and touchy about their work. I would love for their mercurial bullshit get reigned in a little, so that they can’t just delete something because they got flamed on the forum.
“I just don’t want people to be able to be able to use my work however they want without me having a say in how it’s used”
it’s AI Adam from Fusion who is nothing but helpful to Samus. nobody was concerned.
I remember in Fusion they explain it that due to Parasite-X bonding to Samus’ DNA and a side effect of the cure to save her, parts of the Varia suit had to be surgically removed from her body and left her vulnerable to cold, meaning she couldn’t use the Ice Beam.
Adam the AI from Fusion and Adam Malkovich, Samus’ commanding officer from Other M are not the same character despite the AI being made from Adam Malkovich’s mind. Adam’s direction in Fusion was extremely useful, I could explore freely but I always knew exactly where to go to progress the game.
I think supporting McConnell might be more telling about his idealogy than anything.
And all of that is before you even parse Cawthon’s white savior-esque comment about knowing better than black and LGBTQ fans what’s good for them politically.
MLK's quote about white moderates is just gonna keep on being relevant, isn't it
The real answer? Vote. Every election, every time. Find every friend and relative that shares your belief, and jump through every hoop the bastards put in your way to get them registered and to the polls. And make sure they do the same.
It’s such a bullshit argument coming from Scott, which, given him being a religious right-winger, is to be expected. It’s the only kind of argument they have.
Never believe a conservative when they say they don’t do it for the money... Money is their God, and they do everything in service to their God.
I’ve reached a point where I just want to indulge every right-winger’s paranoid fantasies. Let’s destroy Scott Cawthorn’s game design career. Let’s cancel anybody who donated a penny to Donald Trump. Let’s take away their hamburgers and their Mr. Potato Heads. Let’s give citizenship to tons of immigrants and bring…
lol forever
Supporting Mitch McConnell alone in any way shape or form suggests that he is being more than disingenuous with his “Sorry, not sorry” BS.