… Fuck.
… Fuck.
By knowing the voice of the video game character (he was a fan of the Witcher series before taking on Geralt’s role in the show), and accidentally defaulting to it during a scene because you’re a method actor like that.
Would have believed Cavill found his Geralt voice whenever he said this word
I think it's the opposite problem. People ate super into mining the trailers and press for hints. Wide scale figuring out the plot ahead of time undermines any surprise or mystery. But that speculation is a shit load of free marketing. So they deliberately put in stuff to drive it, but stuff that *doesn't* factor in.…
Of all the weirdness in this episode, you missed that kid Loki was drinking Ecto-Cooler.
and the first of just a frankly exhausting number of referential nods in the episode.
He went out like a boss. Glorious Purpose indeed.
I really liked the way that Hiddleston danced his way through the slaughter of the multi-betrayal. Once again a strong physical comedy presence.
No, he’s just an older version of the Loki we followed up to Infinity War. Grant’s Loki specifically retells the events of the opening of Infinity War except that he used an illusion to fake his death, nothing like that ever happened in the comics.
Both Wandavision and FatWS hit the halfway mark, then had mid-credits sequences for the remainder of the series. This is the first break in that pattern.
I think Marvel is in a bit of a predicament with regards to their trailers, people are so spoiler sensitive these days that the trailers have to be built to not give anything away. So they have to put together a trailer that catches the eye, but doesn’t ultimately give any substantial clues because people will…
I like the concept that the TVA just sends sends all the pruned timelines to the big garbage dump at the end of time for some purple cloud to eat. It’s a very, “out of site out of mind” sort of solution where you just stab em with the glowy bit and poof they get sent to the timeline’s garbage disposal. And yes yes...…
He went out like a boss. Glorious Purpose indeed.
This show continues to elevate and solidify its place as best thing the MCU has done by a wide margin.
Best episode yet and I personally think the talky talky moments are what make the show so great.
This is my favorite of the MCU D+ shows, and the one that *feels* the most like an MCU movie. And this was the best episode by far.
I’m a little disappointed President Loki wasn’t much more than what we saw advertised, but having a room full of Loki variants constantly betray one another was a hilarious scene.
This episode was sooooo good. Richard E. Grant fucking KILLED it!