
Because those soldiers are clones. Get it?

This is great moments in gaming humour. It's not new. It's revisiting a notable funny moment from a past game.

Sucks that games'll still be expensive as shit over there though.

That's because he's not twelve.

I saw that film again recently stoned off my face. I highly (get it) recommend the experience.

Who's the girl?

Gawker's amazing text editor destroyed my comment and I cba to type it out again so I'll be brief:

Tough shit. This is AC - not some respectable franchise with a decent narrative.

"The trend I'm trying to point out, is the game is disconnected from the "emotional satisfaction" that players expect to "feel" as the move forward through the game."

Horror and action are almost completely mutually exclusive. Action is not scary. Tension is scary. Action deflates tension. You can't have loads of action in a horror game or there'll never be any tension and so it won't be scary.

Looks like an attempted rape moment to me.

As far as I understand they looked into it briefly and Sony and MS were like "lol no".

Yeah it was a parish sending in thousands of template complaint letters about the option to have same sex relationships in TOR because obviously lots young children play TOR and they might be corrupted and turn gay or something.

False dichotomy.

Just because there's an underlying cause doesn't make the addiction any less damaging to one's life or any less real... I don't really see how what you said contradicts the existence of videogame or weed addiction.

It looks like it might be fun, but I won't be able to enjoy it because all I see is the skeleton of the real Splinter Cell games clinging to it. Fuck you, Maxime Bellend.

I think he's lost weight :3

I used to feel like this, but recently I've started becoming less enthused about stats - a finite system from the mind of the developers that can easily be beaten with some research and staggering amounts of low-effort time. Grinding is a flattering illusion - min/maxed stats make the player feel like they've

Get back to me when there's any kind of controversy over The Witcher 2.

Although I feel the need to point out that "wherefore art thou, booth babe?" makes sense too, since booth babes are not eligible women - they are eye candy and thus off limits to E3 attendees.