
All of this is cool and correct, but I do want to point out that ironic racism isn't just the domain of white people. The people most likely to do it in my experience are people of minorities, and they do it at their own expense. It isn't funny. It's just dragging race into conversation for no reason and really it

I don't want to move the goal posts or anything now because it's awesome that you're listening to what the fans want, BGS, but can you make sure there are some one handed crossbows? I wanna wield one in conjunction with my dagger.

No, but you can accommodate for a few, five minute bursts of really scary hell punctuating constant, undulating atmospheric tension over a three hour experience. Horror games don't have to be - nay, shouldn't be split neatly between the build up and the scary half i.e. "take an hour to build up tension then unleash

This was all great until you realised that the game was split down the middle between combat, which actually posed a threat, and Alma being creepy, which was just creepy and not actually something to respond to in game.

1 - Frictional Games don't make £50 games. They are not beholden to a publisher. They are very, very seriously dedicated to delivering top quality horror. Amnesia cost £15 full price, was an eight hour game and was repeatedly put on sale on Steam. They're good guys :3

Honourable mentions to Solid Snake, Ezio and Garrus.

One of the most promising franchises dead and a F2P MMO takes its place. What a sad day.

That's... a hell of a lot of article views.

Because franchises that make ridiculous amounts of money are copied by publishers at the expense of any innovation the people actually making the games have to offer. CoD and WOW harm the industry in this way. It's really quite simple.

I cannae play the demo because I've resolutely put my 360 in the attic until after my exams, but I will give it a look when I can.

Considering Dragon Dogma's similarity to Western RPGs I will always view it as a way to tap into the Western market. Hence I consider everything in Dragon's Dogma to be a comment on Western consumers. I am offended by the title music, the cheap imitations of Skyrim (itself an extremely flawed game in many ways), the

I've been avoiding Infinite news because I don't want to ruin things for myself and set my expectations too high. I did that with Fable 3 and then Skyrim. It ain't worth it.

Do you have anything to back that spurious assertion up other than that one clip with the vile women on that talkshow? Because I don't remember them joking about the killing of men.

Sure she only unzipped her suit right at the ending sequence of the game, but whatever let's make the action figure that way because it shows off her tits.

Well, he's going to have fun living with that for his entire life.

At no point does this article assert that Mileva was guiltless in the failure of the relationship...

What's that GIF?

The more people who play it the better. Good to hear.

Now playing

Seriously thought it was going to break into Lord of the Rings at 1:00.

Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please.