
"cinematic single player experience"? "promising new horror element"? Sounds like exactly my kind of game. Then I read about the "blue collar everyman" who also happens to be pretty fucking expert at annihilating the only thing in the game adding any danger. Also, quick time events. "You've got to walk down this

I actually looked into it because of the above comic and read it because it sounded interesting. It was. It's an excellent book. PS I'm seventeen. I'll just go pat myself on the back over here.

Been waiting for news on this since xkcd mentioned it waaaaaaaaaay back. Good to know it's still alive.

It's not specifics that matter. It's whether the violence exhibited is more severe and/or frequent than it would be in a child who hasn't had the exposure to violence.

And this is why EA is the worst company in America.

I just want another Tie Fighter game :(

Looks like it'll be one of those games that are enjoyable in their mindless mediocrity like Kingdoms Of Amalur was. Sit back and play the same RPG you've played before but set in Westeros.

The point is, people, that the world isn't going to end. Games might get more expensive. You might have to buy fewer games. I'm seventeen and even I struggle to play all of the games worthy of my free time in a year. How bad can tightening the belt really be?


"They'd probably skip the background research and end up with this odd, stereotypical version of Japan, so no thanks,".

The analogue to smileys is good. The meaning of smileys today is not what it was when they came about. What to someone in 1980 would have conferred little meaning now lets me communicate that I'm not pissed off even though my textual tone is cold much more concisely than prose alone.

I think I swore more when I was eleven than when I was fourteen. It was certainly a peak moment in my life for personal levels of homophobia and the tendency to bully.

As far as I'm aware, Activision's major crime is to indirectly stifle industry creativity by presiding over the most ridiculously lucrative videogame franchise in history. EA has a much more colourful history of evil.

The scale and complexity of BGS games is what makes them inevitably buggy. The 11/11/11 date for Skyrim was scheduled almost a whole year before the game went gold, but there were obviously still bugs in the release code because it'd be nigh impossible to get a game of that size out of the door working flawlessly.

And themselves, probably.

Then he should be ashamed of himself as well. The whole ordeal is just sad.

I would have preferred any other of these options over the American Revolution. Damn.

Yeah I kinda realised that as I posted my comment.

Sounds like Ken Levine's being careful about who gets to play with the BioShock universe. Good.

Now playing

That's incredible. You and Elijah should meet up.