Just played it for the first time because of this article. This is a "sensation"? Really? Can anyone explain why this is better than the other thousand flash games before it that work on the same principle of a scrolling screen and a jump button?
Just played it for the first time because of this article. This is a "sensation"? Really? Can anyone explain why this is better than the other thousand flash games before it that work on the same principle of a scrolling screen and a jump button?
Oh don't worry. We hate stupid consumers too.
This will not change publishers one bit. Publishers are run by timid shareholders. These are not people who look at cheaply developed, inevitably slightly rough around the edges independent games with success only in the hardcore market and think "there is appetite for this game that can be tapped. Fund a shiny…
Aaaaaaah. "impressive". That's good. You're funny Tina.
You reiterated several times in several ways that although dubstep isn't a genre you would call yourself a fan of, you do really like some dubstep songs. You prefaced this by addressing the anti-dubstep crowd. Whether or not this was your intent, it generally came across as apologetic, and apologetic implies something…
So that means guitar tabs which I can actually read (I know I know I'll get around to learning standard notation soon) should be imminent? Sweet!
Sooooooooo Zenimax watched Lucasarts take a beloved single player RPG franchise, strip it of everything that made it what it was and shit out a half hearted WoW clone that will inevitably fail in its intended purpose of amassing WoW level profits and thought "hey, we could do that too"?
I'm sorry but it's not cute when it's WRONG.
I was quite looking forward to this game until this video revealed it to be a shoddy piece of work. That's gameplay that'd feel right at home in my childhood memories of playing on the original Xbox right there. Ew.
No no, they'll be competing with the current gen instead. They made sure of that when they designed a console with hardware barely better than what's already in people's living rooms.
Please please please please please please please please please please please please.
Developers are much more practised at making control schemes for controllers. They're getting better at touch interfaces (from what I hear). Maybe touch will never be quite as good, but give it time. The gap will close.
I really want this kind of game but I have no money at the moment :( I'm sorry Chris. Please succeed.
I don't see it...
Aaaaaaaaaaaaah this article makes me happy. A hip game jam going down with a hilarious name centred around the best satirical Twitter with Peter Molyneux being all awesome just by being there and it's in BRIGHTON (if you know anything about Brighton you know it's the best place for wacky things). Might pop down and…
Jesus Christ you're really trying to justify your personal tastes aren't you? People who say that dubstep isn't music are ignorant and not worth listening to or exaggerating and don't truly mean it.
Looks like an incredibly average game. I'll wait for consensus on whether the narrative's any good before I buy.
It was pretty much already done, but now it's official you guys:
Obvious first step towards a solution: rather than arbitrarily picking a Metacritic score to aim for and saying "you will get much more money if you hit this score", publishers should always give the bonus but the size is dictated by the Metacritic score (or whatever measure you're taking). Game gets 85 on Metacritic?…