Canadian Bacon

Let’s speculate: Depp was doing well with his sobriety during most of his 14-year relationship with Paradis, in turn, it was also the height of his earning power and fame. The last couple years of his relationship with Paradis he slipped, went back on the bottle, cheated with Heard and married her - out of the blue.


She has a famous quote in one of her books. Basically “Men are worried women will laugh at them. Women are worried men will kill them.”

Also this may have been a clue to his violent tendencies:

“It’s very rare that someone is involved in a homicide case with someone they just had a baby with. It’s very early to make a conclusion as to what the cause, intent, motive and facts were to this unfortunate tragedy.”

When I was in 10th grade, one of my classmates dropped out to get married. I ran into her more than 20 years later. She was divorced, with a few kids of her own. She said she wished someone could’ve talked her out of that nonsense. Her mother had to sign for her to marry that idiot.

When I was in high school, a girl in my freshman gym class was married. Apparently her mother had found out that she was sleeping with some 20something dude the summer before high school started and insisted that they get married or she’d have him arrested. The girl seemed cool with it at the time, and we were all in

We are so overdue for a plague

I want to know what any one of these fucking lunatics would have done if it was their child in the gorilla enclosure. I truly am devastated that the he had to be killed. It’s awful. But between that and a child being ripped to shreds while dozens of people looked on, I’m going with shoot the gorilla.

I am so impressed by Elizabeth Smart and thankful for her advocacy. I have used her quote about the chewed gum metaphor (used in abstinence only “sex ed” classes) in my victimology and juvenile delinquency classes (when we talk about the impact of adverse childhood experiences) to explain why we need age appropriate

Read some undercover account of where these poor kids come from. Turns out, many of them were born into it. Pedophiles apparently meet and knock each other up with the intention of birthing children they can then rape or pimp out.

It makes me First Degree Murdery. My aunt was married to a guy who is still doing time for kiddie porn (he was grooming his daughter in the process as well.) I hate him. I mean I genuinely hate him in that I want him dead. I wouldn’t piss on him if he were on fire, shit, I’d make s’mores I hate him so. When he finally

i also really respect - as a fellow ex-mormon - that she doesn’t shy away from saying that the church fucked her up. i like that she calls out specific behaviors and dialogues and people who told her the wrong things. i’m impressed she does it with as much gentleness and dignity as she does.

Forgive me if I’ve mentioned this here before, but: I met her once, briefly, and not only is she an amazing human being, but she’s the only person I’ve ever seen in real life with a radiance around her, like she stepped out of a Renaissance painting of a saint or something.

Utah is where old weird British accents, much reduced today thanks to radio and television, went. Older Utahns say “fark” for “fork”; this probably is because a very large portion of 19th-century Mormon converts were from North Yorkshire—pronounced by locals as “Narth Yarkshire.”

I love that she is using her experience to comment and constructively criticize the rape culture we have all around us. She is SO bright and thoughtful, and I really am inspired by the way she took something so terrible in her life and is using it to help other people. I believe she can make a difference in the way

I respect her so much. She has some very biting things to say about purity culture in general and it is wonderful.

I don’t like the line of reasoning that this is no different from publicly identifying as LGBTQ. Everything in <— that acronym is a human identifier. I don’t ... I don’t think society has to acknowledge kinks in public. Gender and sexual identity aren’t kinks. No one has a real “canine identity.” If you don’t know

No, it doesn’t. A human cannot identify as a dog. We do not have the hormonal or sensory triggers that a dog has. Our brains are not comparable to a canine’s. Dogs have instincts utterly dissimilar to the ones hardwired into a human. You can “feel” like a dog, just like someone can “feel” that they’re really God, or