What's the difference between a tactical & non-tactical weapon?
What's the difference between a tactical & non-tactical weapon?
So wait, is there any non-fiction in his books?
What is this red line I see mentioned?
What's the bigger brother?
I really couldn't care less how they do (well a respectable finish would be nice!), they won the marketing & coolness factor game for me already!
This car has such an unbelievably awesome exhaust note. Sort of electric'ish like. Sounds amazing in person.
Meh, I've done better in a Mazda Tribute/Ford thingy. Those were solid vehicles and could be had with a manual to boot!
Yep, my Dad got pulled over doing 260km/h with two sets of skiis on the roofrack (!) on his way to Banff from Edmonton in his 930 back in the day! The cop sad my Dad had the honour of being the fastest car he pulled over. As a sign of the times all my Dad received was a ticket, no jail, impound etc etc.
Testing the 2000lb BLU-109 and look at this crazy thing
Out of curiosity, what are the 2000lb bombs used for? Examples?
Scheisse, I can’t relate directly but I can indirectly...I suffered a cervical spinal cord injury and it just sucks. It drains energy from everyone, this excerpt really resonated with me:
Easy there debbie downer but apparently childhood cancer is often "curable." It has the highest "success" rate according to my Dr. brother-in-law.
The Speed 8? Such a great looking car!
Does anyone use an ultrawide with MetaTrader4/jForex etc etc I currently use two 30" Apple Cinema Displays
Meeee gusta, that is one of my favourite cars. So aggressive, so nice.
Uhhhhhm, yeah...
I don't know about that, car sims are actually more demanding than flight sims. Modeling physics for tires, suspension, road surface, aero & flex is a lot more complicated than aero and atmosphere. Unless you start going the way of corporate flight sim tech...
I hardly ever reply but this, this deserves a reply. Quite possibly the best piece of writing I have read on Jalopnik. So very good. Loved it, laughed at it and ultimately lived it!
Thanks, didn't know! I just guessed that the US had superior subs.
Would Sweden ever reach out to say, the U.S. and ask for assistance with their superior subs?