Ahhhhh, damn I missed that. Thanks for explaining the joke :|
Ahhhhh, damn I missed that. Thanks for explaining the joke :|
Wait, what happened?
Also, not to uhmm "whore" myself out but if you could share this with family and friends I would be so grateful! My reasoning is that you never know who might see this and be inspired.
Thanks, I'm glad that you watched it and felt somewhat inspired!
I'm glad you like the beta brand clothing at tired! They are in awesome company to deal with and hopefully they continue to grow as well. They have a great brand ethos about making and producing nearly everything (95%) locally.
Thanks man, kudos to you for supporting your Wife as well. A lot of people don't realize how much of a daily struggle it is to get up and get going in the morning and through the day. That said, I will never, ever play the victim card as so many other people with spinal cord injuries do. I always keep the attitude…
+1 as well, not to mention he is for all things in technological progress but also admires the past just as much if not more. i.e the solar array panels on top of his "garage" and all of the "green" technology in his shop.
Interesting, I plan on doing something very similar as a fellow quadriplegic and gearhead (Albeit minus the drugs and temper)! Hopefully by the end of this year I might be the topic of this article on Jalopnik/Gizmodo as well. Here is a teaser video/documentary done on me earlier this year...
That's actually not too bad! We had a Cadillac STS engine go bad and it was...$26k CDN back in 2003 I think.
What video is this?
Ask Wiley E. Coyote & Acme Co.
Agh, I've been in a 3yr Insurance battle myself before. Thank god good conquers bad.
"Weeeeee! Volvo!" That pretty much sums up my internal voice about this car. And man oh man, that exhaust pop on upshift! Sooooo good :)
Wow, I never thought about that beautifully laid pun. You certainly didn't dance around that!
Smoking Tire. Appropriate username.
Hahaha, I had a chuckle. That or flagging Perez as an illegal immigrant.
Nope, just Gawker's horrible redesign.
I would take the G65 AMG with some more off roady bits. Luxury off-roading and a beast of a motor? Sign me up!
It hasn't been out that long and frankly, nothing too revolutionary about it.