
Wow, I never thought about that beautifully laid pun. You certainly didn't dance around that!

Smoking Tire. Appropriate username.

Hahaha, I had a chuckle. That or flagging Perez as an illegal immigrant.

Nope, just Gawker's horrible redesign.

993 GT2...air-cooled Twin Turbo beast, iconic car, iconic looks, reliability, etc. etc.

I would take the G65 AMG with some more off roady bits. Luxury off-roading and a beast of a motor? Sign me up!

It hasn't been out that long and frankly, nothing too revolutionary about it.

Damn, I'd purposely wear a suit & Bond-esque shades to whip off when I'm walking away from "my" helicopter.

That was great! Thanks for the share, I'm glad I stumbled on your comment and video. Now I am intrigued to find out who this David Mitchell character is, seems like an interesting guy. Any recommendations?

That was my understanding aswell. Either way, if it's fun I'm down.

Hmmm, I like your writing and research and what not. I'll check out your book too! Are you sure YOU aren't stuffmonger to make another interesting piece? Haha, crazy world.

Yeah definitely. I had no idea it was this bad in parts. I'm Canadian but actively following this disaster.

This sounds like a press release to me, not an article...

Why did you have to do that? Although black leather interiors in expensive cars (Rolls, Bentley, Ferrari etc) seem wasted to me as it doesn't show off the beautiful hide and work of the tannery, that looks great. Nice amount of red! I wonder what interior combo I'd go for in my Wiesmann.....$50million Lotto

I too don't balk at 450hp and a 20hp gain. But, I thought 30hp+ would've been possible. Looks like they're going the Porsche route of refinement & modest gains over something wildly different.

19/20" of travel!? Sweet Jesus. That is absolutely incredible. Hospital pay parking lots stand no chance.

Whoah.... that was intense.

Holy shit, a good comment! What is the code good for-anything or just this game?


Even though no one will probably see this. I completely agree. I used to check it regularly, as well as the comments and got to know a few people that were frequent commenters. Now it is just a bunch of seemingly un-organized chaos.