Usually sales people are tight, and wouldn't let that slide.
Usually sales people are tight, and wouldn't let that slide.
Yes, but that is the inflated price. It's pretty ballsy to ask for $750,000.
I don't know that $750,000 I would want to get stiffed on that deal.
Ahh that sounds amazing! I'll check that out and I'll definitely hit you up if I have problems.
Unfortunately, I live in the great White North known as Canada where the choices aren't that great and I like to have something to show for my money which now sounds funny considering I lost it all!
The off-site backup is always a good idea even when it comes to non-mission critical files and whatnot. It's weird I have never had a problem with hard drives up until the past few years where I can't trust any of my externals. I have had three Lacie hard drives - a 500GB & two 600GB's fail,a Western Digital…
Don't remind me...I lost 1.3TB of music.......I sold all my CDs too. I've lost interest in news music since. That's about 1.5yrs ago too, I'm sulking now!
I am also going to have to say, what?
Ahhh that was good, that made me laugh! Thanks for that.
Well, that's certainly a story to tell your kids that won't appreciate anything that has been or is currently on Giz.
I can't believe the stupidity of some people, actually, yes I can. But, this video just reaffirms it in a different way.
I read this about a month ago and it is an excellent read and I highly recommend. I can't believe that this Dr. could even go through the experience of remembering his experiences and what he went through. Unbelievable and that's not exaggerating either. []
I laughed at that, NOT the situation.
I understood you! You really can't believe the difference until you try an "expensive" knife with a good blade.
That's funny, I had the exact same attraction towards it. The one piece construction "spoke" out to me from an engineering standpoint. I agree the ergonomics are the greatest but for cooking I never hold that long either or I swap knives as well.
Great read, thanks!
Global knives are phenomenal. All my pro chef friends use them at home I know that.
Oh My Lord, that was horrible. How did you ever know about that song?
I concur! The retro styling has had its time and place and done wonders for the American car Manufacturers to help return to profitability. But, every design cue eventually wears itself out. Not to mention that these muscle cars are quite big and heavy. Now we see the popularity of the Hyundai Genesis Coupe and the…
Do you have the full size hi-res original?