
Big deal, my local library just got the bomb

You hit it on the head with "the seat is made to recline." We have so little agency on planes already — what we can bring on board, where we may keep it and when we may use it is dictated to us. Our seat comes with just a tray-table and light and recliner button and there are even rules for when we can use those.

Reclining all the way into someone's face in cramped coach, and refusing to split the difference when asked, is absolutely rude. However using these devices to preemptively deny a fellow passenger their right to recline at all is every bit as rude. But the knee defenderer is to my mind ruder and 100% more likely to

"WAR/AFTERMATH" isn't exactly catchy

Elsewhere on your internet dial, the Atlantic Wire has every Dairy Queen Blizzard ranked. This every pop-culture-thing-x-ranked trend can't end fast enough for me; could someone rank all these glorified listicles so we can all move on?

Do we even know if Darren Wilson is connected to this fund? Or that the people who started it have any intention of giving him the money when it's through? I kind of like the idea of all these racists signing over a bunch of money to some random grifter

Facebook is social. It's irritating to realize someone you like doesn't know who Eric Holder is and it's irritating to sit through a dinner with someone who won't shut up about Iraq because thisshitisimportant! Facebook knows what it is and mostly we do too

It's nice to see feminism coming to Europe, however belatedly. There was a time when the Roman Polanski "controversy" was seen there as being somehow just more American puritanical-ism-ness and not, you know, people minding rapists

We're happy with the term "rape gif?"

I feel for you, and offer these thoughts:

Making up bullshit to tell insecure people sounds like a sweet, sweet gig

Finally, someone in America is willing to keep an African-American in his place

Plus maybe don't just stand there looking badass when a volcano is erupting right behind you

So this time it's not just flying guy with freezy-breath from outer space, we also get a zillionaire rodent-fetishist vigilante acrobat and some Amazon woman from Girl Island who flies an invisible plane and has a magic truth-serum lasso. And we're all looking forward to this. Movies have reached peak stupid. Wait,

This recently happened to me too, so he is maybe onto something larger than himself here.

It seems possible if demand warranted for phones to come equipped with wide-angle lenses and then use a software solution to convert its images to a standard field of vision for everyday shooting. A universal mount also would be easy. Storage and resolution improve all the time. As for durability, who knows what

This is stupid. The reason to delete your Facebook account is something better has come along. Until then it's like going without television or a phone. You can do it, but why? It provides an essential service. Imperfectly absolutely. But singularly useful. Are you that desperate to be "interesting?"

From "Earthquake!" Blood painted on... lens? Screen? It's not really clear, but I think the intent was to communicate "okay the plummetting elevator just actually crashed" once the filmmakers realized the actors didn't lurch airborn and rescramble as they might in real life, er, death

An all-purpose solution for many problems such as this that almost no one is down with is: assume other people are as smart as you are.

Will they? People seemed generally-speaking pretty on board with the idea that Singer probably did it even before this suit. If anything this could auger a trend of more and more people coming forward until there is no other credible conclusion; we'll see