Gravy Robber

Very true, Detroit is practically Valhalla!

Oh, he's producing the upcoming U2 record? Huh, that should be interesting.

You seem mighty angry that she tried to get something done about child abuse. You might want to think long and hard about why that is.

Maybe you should actually listen to the album? Because as great as "Nothing Compares 2 U" is, it's far from what I'd call the best or most interesting track.

Which makes unbelievably sexist comments totally fine?

Please, Reyes was the only compelling thing about the new record. It was still awful, but he sounded like the only one who gave half a shit.

Wow, this RULES. Hooks for days. Might grow to be my favorite of their records, which surprises me a bit (I, too, miss the garage rock and buzzsaw guitars of their debut)…but there's no ignoring quality songs, which this certainly isn't lacking.

"Who is Babe Ruth?"

Haha, what an utterly perfect summation of "Rent". I'm stealing that.

That is legitimately super awesome.

Obscure? My heart continues to weep for the perpetually underrated "MacGruber".

Who could you possibly be speaking for?

Wow, a lot of "they hired another white dude!" posts referring to the guy who's been with the show since 2005.

Su..perman..he flies like a moron!

Pretty much this exact same sentiment has been expressed 1000 times in the comments for this article, but this one actually made me chuckle. Must be the wording or something.

Easily the highlight line for me tonight, and it still would have been without the gay pride parade reference at the end. That was just icing, baby.

Having never seen any of the "ROTN" flicks, this is what my mind always goes to first.

…but isn't that the same thing?

Such a gloriously stupid moment.

Man, I love this guy to pieces. Wonderful songwriter, impeccable ear for melody, sincere to a fault. I still get choked up listening to a lot of his stuff. I sincerely doubt that many people are fans of his "ironically", as I've been to a few of his performances, and I certainly didn't see anybody there to "laugh at