
Yeah, Kim did catch flack, but even the way Kim is allowed to prosper in the way she has in the arena she has, copying black women, and coming up in the sort of video girl model, simply because kim is white. And yes kim is white, Armenian is white, jesus let’s not go through that again.

Boy, good thing Gwynneth’s Dad told her she was an asshole and needs to cut it out 17 years ago. If he hadn’t, I’d imagine she’d be completely pretentious and insufferable, and hypothetically doing something ridiculous like ....... running some sort of......I dunno..... weirdly crunchy , yet incredibly expensive and

men are so gd dramatic smh

Nah it has nothing to do with them being pretty. It has to do with them opening their mouths and speaking. They aren’t bright girls.

I hate the whole “but remember she’s a mother! She deserves respect!” Why? Because she has kids? So if she had no kids, she’d matter less or something?

If you watch the show you’ll see that they are dumber than they are pretty.

The shelters where I am (Savannah) let you bring your pets. Which is awesome. When I went through several hurricanes in Florida in 2004-05, the shelters wouldn’t let you.

exsube me it is hared to c thru the teears

My favorite part is her little sister’s reaction. That’s one mature little girl to be so happy for someone else.

She’s so empowerful! Her ass makes me a better feminist every day.

We can have a discussion about flaunting wealth and what it means

Well, I would be too, but I’m also not making statements about how no human being deserves to be treated poorly either.

Not a single person deserves the kind of treatment she received.

And they’re so insistent on it! Does that make them racist? And if Trump calling them out on their racism??? :-O

Barry Goldwater’s head in a jar, as on Futurama!

Oh ffs. There are enough orphans, abused kids, and REAL suffering people in this world . Kim Kardashian got robbed. Boo fucking hoo. They scared her. Ok. Got it. Sorry that she got scared. But here’s the dealio: She gets to move on in her life without the daily financial fear most of us live in. She lives an

Yeah I don’t see how it’s possible to know what kind of Mom she is.

Weird how much leeway this entire family seems to get on this site.

Say what you will about her, if there even is anything to say, but she’s always been a good mom.

I inherited a 25 thousand dollars ring. I never wear it because it’s a 25 dollars ring.