
I'm pretty sure the exhibit you're referring to from the 80s was called Magiciens de la Terre at the Pompidou in 1989. They put 50% western art in comparison to 50% non western art answer to a MoMA show that essentially used African art as props for early modernism (like Les Demoiselles D'Avignon). Unfortunately in

I feel the same way, the Cracked podcasts are testing me. I still like the site though. Even though it's not as comedic as it used to be their personal experience section has been super interesting

Holy shit. I just listened to his YMIW a few days ago and while I found it hilarious it was clearly very harrowing and I'm just sad that he couldn't keep it together. RIP, I will miss Harris in the comedy world

It was truly setting the 90s scene, I loved it

I am truly obsessed with the theme song and as happy as I am Fiona Apple wrote it just for the show, I wish it were a full song that I could play over and over

Love this show! It's entirely absurd but it embraces the absurdity through a really tight story. Rogelio is presence - far and away my favorite character. The fact that he's also clearly a ridiculous human speaks to me (wearing jeans and a tshirt = "this ridiculous costume"…amazing)

This episode made me realize that Whitney is Sasha from Bunheads. Come back to me, Bunheads.

I agree about season 6, I actually rewatched it a lot more than I realized until I looked back at the episode list later. That was also around the time I got into TV recaps so I think they just stick better for me. Season 7 however, is god awful and I haven't rewatched any of it despite it airing when I was full on

Gilmore Girls is one of the few shows where I have actually gone so far as to memorize episode titles because I have seen them so many times. I event used to follow along with the little DVD booklets as I watched. I had a serious obsession so of course I'll start it all over again when it hits Netflix. The peak of my

I don't mind them but sometimes she goes to a weird place with her descriptions that totally take me out of it as a reader. Like every time she talks about balls, pretty much.

I agree and I could see them maybe doing a diff instance of murdersex (when? idk) but they don't have to do with the frequency of Diana. I'm actually glad this part of the novel seems to be getting streamlined a bit because in the book I found it to be a weird fucking around the highlands interlude before shit got

Part of me hopes every male member of the Randall family is played by Tobias even though that would be incredibly absurd for this show. I think they're up to like 4 or so in the books (well, where I am in the books, which is not exactly done)

I think they'll cast Bree and Roger true to age and just kind of restyle Cait and Sam to make them seem older. It helps that their actual ages kind of split the difference between the two because I can't imagine a recast. And actually people play the parents of people that they aren't that much older than allll the

I marathoned this show last weekend, such a treasure. Lindsay is my queen.

In between last week's episode and this week's I read the first book. I'm still debating if I should keep going with the others in the series, but reading the book has really made me more excited for the show. I think there are a lot of elements that will translate better as visual rather than text (just like her

Broad City foreverrrrr

St Vincent's Prince Johnny has been in constant rotation this entire summer for me.

I couldn't watch the second half of the Spain-Chile game, so embarrassing for Spain.

How hard is it to find someone on the AVC staff who is either unfamiliar with both episodes or familiar with both episodes? It seriously can't be that hard.