
Cannibals may get Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease. It's even bigger chance to get it by eating ones own tissue? No thanks.

Let's be real about it. It's a fabulous location for sure and watching some films there would be a great experience. But surely there are better places for high quality sound and vision than this.

It's missing 'Shoot Me' insignia

It's a handy way to get thicker, hotter, more battery consuming, more data-plan-and-bandwith consuming, more hd-mem consuming, more expensive device. For what - some unnessessary eye candy

Fuck everything about 3D

Why don't they put enough HD cams on orbit and make an 24hrs channel or channels from that feed. I'd love to watch it.

I dunno I like my maps very accurately colored. As an semi art maybe ok yes.

This looks preatty great, Harlem have more entries I would have expected

So low, easy to shoot down?

Custom skin ideology as a choice works in many applications, not everyone wants to be a standard block head.

Now we are able to lose even more vital unbackedup data than ever before.

It's beyond me why people are still so fachinated by the fate of this one ship, so much worse and tragic things have happened since.

I'd buy few drones from Lockheed Martin and use them. Finally some worthwhile use for this technology.

Who would not want burn their laps after 30min and spend their battery, bandwidth and hd to unnessesary grandiose eyecandy

I don't always appreciate your outside-of-the-scope-of-gadgets entries, but this time really, this speech is absolutely superb. I didn't know Bruce can speak so eloquently, absolute a master of his craft.

He's not a bad choice for the Australian Senate. There are many elected people there that are much worse than him.

The days in the 9th century when gunpowder was invented, you might have wanted to be in the ranks of the yellow army. Just saying. And they have not done so bad overall, all 1.1 billion of em.

I smell fear. Someday, they may have a bigger dick.

I didn't know he can make such an lively and impressive speech, kudos

Taking photos and vids with tablets looks very silly