grand theft otter

lol dude, i’m not 100% sold on warren either (i’m kind of wary of her age and would rather keep her in the senate and see someone younger in the white house) but if you think people are throwing her name around simply because she’s a woman and not because she’s a good representative, fair-minded, and a fucking bulldog

i just witnessed somebody using audio description for the first time (mine, not theirs, obviously) over christmas. i was so fucking confused and thought someone was on the phone and kept looking around, because i could hear it murmuring when the film got quiet. it was when i heard it describing the explosion on the

i laughed, and then i cried, because everything is surreal and this will probably happen

at the expense of sounding #notallyoungpeople ... people in their 20's overwhelmingly voted for hillary, even with a few percentage points going to third party votes. i think you’ll find that it’s the 45+ demographic that really torched it for the rest of us.

i had really bad cystic acne and went the spironolactone route instead of accutane, but i started using MUAC’s mandelic acid peels at home twice a week (along with a new, strict k-beauty routine) and my skin looks pretty fantastic. i started with the 25% but now i do a 40% one 1-2x a month for maintenance.

cosigning the request for stills. the lighting also isn’t the best and the gifs aren’t super HQ so i’m having a hard time actually appreciating what’s going on :(

Had a breathtakingly dumb argument with some former classmate on Facebook who was convinced that these pictures were entirely different locations. Nope, even the split image with the perfect bisection of the Capitol building didn’t sway her. Gods help us all, honestly.

Considering he literally invoked a phrase used by Nazi sympathizers... he’s not far off the mark at all with that assessment.

I love Elizabeth Warren, but we need to stop throwing our weight behind 70 year olds as viable candidates for presidency, for a multitude of reasons. Keep Elizabeth in the Senate, laying the smackdown on the right wing idiots.

hot take

i cannot recommend it enough, it’s gorgeous. enjoy!

i was surprised it was completely shut out, because it was the best film of 2016. i guess south korea decided to submit “the age of shadows” instead, and apparently the academy can’t deal with more than one korean film, so here we are. really disappointing :(

?? it’s been out since october. saw it in theatres over christmas.

see, i vehemently disagree, and the underwhelming music/dancing was the least of my issues with it. in fact, i probably would have liked it despite not being strong musical performances, had their romance or the story made any sense whatsoever. her big break at the end is so bizarre that it only would have worked had

i think they’re equally stupid. gary johnson’s just not as outwardly mean-spirited as trump.

oh, they have already, on tumblr, to the author. luckily the author shut them down with a pretty great response that basically told them to fuck off.

spironolactone + acid peels. saved my life (or at least, my face).

regardless of the fact that some people may have picked up on other influences, the minute someone, anyone, raised the question of “why do these white girls have dreadlocks” and he shot back with “why do black girls straighten their hair” he changed the conversation. he had a chance to explain himself and he went the

being called a racist pales in comparison to, you know, actually being on the experiencing end of racism, so i’m not going to feel bad for him. there were a thousand ways to handle this that didn’t have to go straight to the racist deflection handbook (seriously, “black women straighten their hair” is right under “i

honestly, this would have been a fair point until jacobs responded the way he did, at which point it became fairly obvious that he doesn’t think what he’s incorporating into his show/looks, and why. pointing to a specific movement in fashion or culture or trends (initially when i saw the show i thought cybergoth) as