
I'd like an apology to Rain Dogs as well.

Every time I am on a long road trip, I have to listen to Venus In Furs a few times. There is just something about that song and the long monotonousness of driving that goes so well together.

I think what David was trying to say, is that they are no Dawes.

Try Baroness

The skins I knew never turned down an opportunity to kick the shit out of a Nazi.

They are basically more honest Republicans.

My memory may be failing me a bit, but didn't the now dead doctor pull some shady shit in regards to Dwight and/or Sherry at some point?

I dunno, I've heard of city babies being attacked by rats.

We have a better version in the colonies that involves hitting, sometimes fighting, and guys running around on ice with razor blades on their feet.

I like to think that James Brown wrote a song about him, Hey! The VIc Tayback! Needs some Tayback!

You spelled best wrong.

Type out everything just as you did, then delete it all and log out. It added nothing to the conversation at all.

Start by not crawling up on the cross before Pilate is even done washing his hands.

Yeah, they are really doing Chewy a disservice.

That love of all different types of fowl caused massive depletions in their numbers, with many becoming endangered.

How do you milk a cashew?!

That exists (it may be closed now) in Ocean City, MD.

8 miles outside of DC is not really the south.

Life during wartime.

Not sure what Mike Watt or the ghost of D Boon has to do with it.