
He was only 26 when RIght Here Waiting for You came out?! Damn, he's always looked like he was 40.

They do make same awesome psych-rock, I'm just not sure how many other folks are in to psychedelia over boring-ass pop made by teams of 10 writers these days.

I don't re-buy games. This trend of re-releases on games from only the last-gen needs to stop.


A large weapons cache nearby is not implausible at all. Things near Alexandria, VA with tons of weapons:
Marine base at Quantico
The Pentagon
Andrews AFB
One of the largest Army bases in the US, Ft Belvoir
and 11 more smaller bases within an hours drive, not to mention several armories.

They did show the bullet hit the bat, and it was still in the bat when Negan was looking at it.

Trump was accused of molesting a 13 year old, so I'm pretty sure we know who the hidden pedophile is.

That is sad. I remember the days when Japanese pop culture was ahead of the US, and not ten years+ behind.

And exactly like Avenged Sevenfold.

Exactly. An Affliction/Ed Hardy wearing pack of douche-bros.
That said, the voice acting is pretty good

I agree with this, as long as it isn't some damned 8 or 16 bit retro bullshit. I really hate that trend and will be happy when it is dead and buried.

While the landscape, vehicles, buildings, etc are all beautiful, you can tell that this has been in development since 2006 because all of the main characters look like Criss Angel and his entourage so much that it is very distracting. Don't get me started on Gladiolus and his goddamned mullet.

Historians have argued for a long time whether the Boneless title referred to his legs or his penis. Looks like Viking decided to just go with both to cover the field.

I have one band name I reserve:
The Poontanglers

"Sitting up at 2:30am because I'm so depressed I can hardly breathe"

Actually, he expects it.

There are over 6 million people in the DC Metro area, it is not very far-fetched to think that there are many little survivor communities within walking distance of Alexandria.

To get to the ocean, that is still in Virginia, from Alexandria takes 3.5 to 4 hours driving time. Virginia also has a very small amount of coastal ocean areas, though from looking at the map the one Ocean Side resident was looking at, they were actually on the Chesapeake bay, not the ocean.

Unless it's that dry, sweet, crumbly shit.