
Something something Mercury in retrograde something

Rupert Holmes

LOL you said taint

Just think about Trump, that should kill it.

Like marriage!

That's racist!

I never knew Mark McKinney was in such good shape!

She was not Secretary of State under GWB.

Could also be Comte, if he's real snooty.

We use shitty Italian cars for currency now?

Oh sure, but not as much as two disastrous two term presidents

It also shows a lack of care about the lives of our young people in the military. If it comes down to either troops being put in danger to take down a Taliban or ISIS target or having a drone do it, I'm going with the drone EVERY SINGLE F'ING TIME.

Actually, most of the deficit is from 1980-1988 and 2000-2008

It is evolving into the same ideological purity test crap that happens on the right.

They can be nearly as annoying as vegans, nearly.

I'm 37 and kick ass at Destiny. I do suck immensely at COD-like games though.

I know this is sarcasm, but it isn't wrong.

I hope that youth breaks his iPod/Phone/etc or has his Cloud corrupted.

well, they are cousins so it must be a family thing.

The Cars are in a different league than your Journeys or your Foreigners. I'd also hardly call them Corp-rock.