
Love Dump is some getting-it-on music if I've ever heard any.


Upvoted for the magical guitar work of Bruce Cockburn.

Love The Black Angels.

They went round and round until they just slipped in.

The Souls games are made by sadists for masochists.

Just getting into The Division. The gameplay is good, but for something calling itself a shooter RPG, I was expecting a story of some sort.

After 4 years of trying to rehabilitate the clay-filled soil in my backyard, and having the neighborhood dogs ruining the front yard, I quit and am going to just let it all do whatever the hell it wants.

"I'm all that and then some, short, dark, and handsome
Bust a nut inside your eye to show you where I come from"

I assume you are the master of Landslide as well.


She has pretty much been a fraudulent chameleon since day 1.

You are a goat then?

Tipper Gore?

The hair is off-putting for some reason.

I simple love her voice

and Panic! At the Disco…

Believe it or not!

You missed the obvious Yo-Yo Mack.