Grampton St. Rumpterfrabble

I was referring to Jessica and Frank, not Jessica and Matt. Sorry, unclear antecedents.

Except for the fact that Jessica, despite having killed two people, really hates the idea of killing people. She doesn’t blabber on about it for days on end like Matt does, but it’s just as much a part of her as it is of him.

I actually haven’t the slightest idea how Miles Morales got his powers, so I agree with this sarcastic comment in a non-sarcastic way.

I like that everyone is approaching the situation in a different way. Jemma is smart enough to avoid making waves despite (yet again) getting the worst of it; Coulson is focused solely on getting answers and will deal with the fallout as necessary; Yo-Yo is making progress, but in a way that doesn’t draw any attention

So after three hours, I can definitively say that the ball twirler’s appearance is driving me crazy. She’s a blue-skinned woman with catlike eyes, black hair in a long braid, and I’m pretty sure she’s got some sort of prosthetic on her ears to make them look pointier.

Will he charge $5 for the first 10 minutes, $2 for the next five, and then $3 apiece for each 10-minute chunk after that?

Or “El Rayarino” if you’re not into that whole brevity thing.

So... ah... lotta spoilers in this review, huh?

Cheryl: “Why don’t you take your male gaze and your male privilege and get out of the WOMEN’S locker room?”

Or even unofficially, as far as the show seems concerned with showing us.

“I’ve had a rough year, but I know that I never could have gotten through it without the two of you.”

I mean, is there any doubt whatsoever about that? In the history of fiction, has any character struggling with a second, evil personality ever overcome it without first hearing the desperate pleas of a loved one?

“Please. If I had a nickel for every person who cursed me with their dying breath I’d be twice as rich as I am.”

“I don’t half-hit people.”

“I’m a biologist, but sure, I can invent time travel. Just give me a minute.”

The soldier wasn’t a criminal, but the point I’m getting at is that there’s no way of proving that these mercs were criminals. They may have been just as unaware of what Rawlins were doing. They could easily have been told that Frank and Gunner were terrorists planning an attack. It’s not like they all handed Frank

Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated ends with the gang graduating high school and starting a cross-country road trip to Miskatonic University, where they’ve been granted full scholarships. (It’s implied that this road trip is when a large number of the original Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? episodes take place.)

Maybe at some point he’ll claim that HE was actually the one elected President in 2008 and 2012, following which we could take him at his word and expel him from office on the grounds of serving an illegal third term.

What questioning? I just watched it again. Lewis has the Senator at gunpoint - his head is literally four inches from the end of his barrel. Karen is nowhere in sight. The Senator says “No no no no no!”

Lewis: Oh, look, it’s an inocennt bystander.