Grampton St. Rumpterfrabble

I can excuse the title screen. It's all the implied gameplay mechanics that throw me. Like, what is the non-cursed version of this game supposed to look like?

That console they found they found looks like it's from, what, the Atari era? SNES era, maybe?

It's funny because it's something Spider-Man would really do!

Oh, for sure.

I haven't seen this, but I did see Cars 3, and honestly, I think it was 'fine' at worst.

The Beatles - Boys
The Who - Pure and Easy
The Who - See Me, Feel Me
The Moody Blues - The Morning: Another Morning
Coldplay - A Hopeful Transmission
Kansas - Carry On Wayward Son
Edgar Winter - Frankenstein
The Book of Mormon - Spooky Mormon Hell Dream
Supertramp - Goodbye Stranger
Flight of the Conchords - A Kiss is Not a

I saw a trailer for this last week and couldn't help but notice that about 60% of the dialogue in it was paired with clearly mismatched footage.

I did not care for Bats at all. I laid it out in my own comment above (Below? Eh, wherever), but that kind of 'unpredictable,' "I kill people for no reason because I'm CUH-RAAAAAYY-ZEE!" character really gets on my nerves, since he's very transparently serving a plot function. Also, Baby ought to have enough clout

Just came from seeing this. It was excellent, as expected. That said, some spoilery thoughts below:

Luke Skywalker and the Fate of Atlantis!

Okay, but why should I believe anything Sean Hannity says?

Cutting off a hand as punishment for theft is at least supported by a line in the Quran. Maybe if they opened the movie by declaring that they also cut off hands out of spite it would… undercut that… somehow?

Totally ruins the internal rhyme scheme, too.

That is a phenomenal point, one that had never even occurred to me. Bravo!

Most likely, yeah, but if we're being honest, this movie's box office gross was determined the moment it got greenlit. The actual quality -which this method in no way guarantees, mind you - will represent, I dunno, a 5% differential? 10%, maybe? Running behind schedule and paying the entire crew overtime on a

Everything seems to be pointing towards Lord and Miller getting things working the way they want them and then continuing to shoot alternate takes anyway.

When every hour spent on set is costing the studio hundreds of thousands of dollars, free wheeling can definitely be a bad thing.

There are different kinds of improv, though. "I know" came about because Ford disagreed strongly with the original line. He shot the guy in Raiders because he literally had dysentery and didn't feel like doing a big fight scene that day.

"Okay Donald, I want 15 colorful descriptions of how ugly you think this guy is, and another 30 similes describing things you think he looks like!"

It was, but in Kennedy's defense, there's a difference between an actor changing one four-word line into a two-word line because he thought it was more in line with what his character would say, and this process, which sounds like purposefully doing dozens of takes of the same shot, none of which remotely resemble one