The “local machine” isn’t the problem. You could be sitting on the most powerful machine in the world, and if your network infrastructure is crap it’ll still run streaming like crap.
The “local machine” isn’t the problem. You could be sitting on the most powerful machine in the world, and if your network infrastructure is crap it’ll still run streaming like crap.
Dear Microsoft
We, the users, have learned long ago a term - If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it. This is to say - we do not want updates installed automatically on machines that are working just fine. Your forced updates cause issues disrupting our lives having to watch yet another progress bar get painted on our screens…
A melange of bad faith accusations lobbed at Sarsour—a Palestinian-American who is a vocal critic of Israel’s mistreatment of Palestinian people—accompanied fairer critiques of Mallory’s reluctance to distance herself from Louis Farrakhan
Good. Bye.
Wow! Great post! iPhone 11 didn’t include:
Pointless charging gimmick
Pencil with nowhere to put it?
New cellular technology that nobody is clamoring for and .02% of the population has access to.
That one thing that apple said they’d never have on phones (is 256GB not enough??)
Ports removed generations ago
Hard hitting…
What everyone else thinks isn’t important but what YOU think is. Got it.
I’m from South America, born and raised, so I feel like I should be allowed to give my two cents on this:
Can you stop using Latinx already. No one fucking uses it, it’s not a thing and will never be a thing. Everyone I know that’s actually from Latin America hates it and will never use it.
The gender neutral term for Latino is Latino. No actual Latino identifies as Latinx. It’s a made up word by non Latinos. Kinda like how people who are not Native American want to change the name of the Washington Redskins, but actual Native Americans could care less.
Damn bro. Eye roll at this one.
Its strange, as a Latina woman myself, I’ve never heard ANYONE in my family use the term Latinx. Is this honestly a big concern or just box-checking?
As someone who works in the auto industry, this is terribly mis-informed. First of all, you absolutely can’t make the car perfectly safe for the entire range of human body types. Vehicles aren’t very safe for people over 6'2" either, but the article doesn’t mention that.
This is why I wear a pillow over my head when I drive.
He referenced anything and everything under the sun in his manifesto so as to confuse and and instigate. He was not part of a wider movement, because there is no wider movement—the author of this article couldn’t even help but calling it ‘decentralized’. Decentralized is another way of saying, we have no proof of…
I stopped reading here:
[T]he Christchurch attack wasn’t the result of a single, local hate group. Instead, it was born of a decentralized online white supremacist movement in which an increasing number of people are self-radicalized.
So are you saying that they had the right to physically beat a guy just because they disagree with his views or politics?
Yeah, Antifa is fucking horrible.
Antifa are not anti-fascist they are just anarchist that do not want to obey the law. Every article on this site about them likes to heap on praise, yet there was a journalist that was recently attacked by antifa and is now in the hospital with a brain-hemorrhage.
“Liked” is actually closer to the sentiment expressed in Japanese.
I’m not suggesting that it’s always ok. In fact, I would argue it usually isn’t. But in this case. THIS CASE. She isn’t trying to be offensive, and going after her like she is just because people want to be pissed about blackface is wrong.