
Yes, but here in the Deadspinland peanut gallery, the assumption is always that any person of high-profile corporate authority is automatically a who was granted their keep by other well-monied heels. Hard work and competency have nothing to do with it. Bonus point if male. Double bonus if white male.

Dislike. PTI is still the best program on television. It’s literally the only reason, other than ACC basketball, that I tune into the four-letter-network.

Golf. Seriously.

I’ve worked closely with with real estate agents for a long time and yeah everyone’s curious how this all plays out. Honestly, I think a lot of them have been tacitly preparing themselves for it for a while, even in the middle of the Obama admin there was chatter that the mortgage interest deduction was on the table.

I know. I wish I believed it too. Some houses in the 300s in my town have taxes north of 10k. It’s not sustainable and it drives the sale prices down to points where people who are looking in that price range can’t afford the annual bill.

I’m one and I couldn’t be happier that the standard deduction is being doubled. It’s the one item in this bill that no one is talking about and it’s probably the one thing that will directly affect the most people immediately. A lot of us who are Sole-LLCs really make much less than it looks by gross revenue and often

I’ve worked in media for 20 years, since being a teenager doing min wage board-op for local radio and now up to video and motion graphics production across NYC/Northeast. Even in college you just never saw that many minorities [tho at this point all ‘minorities’ probably add up to ‘majority’?] working in the

Of course we’ve done some shitty shit, it’s our capabilities of addressing and reforming them within our Constitutional system that makes our history exceptional. I mean I guess we could be Spain or Greece or the Phillipines

All you have ever had to do was listen to the content of this guy’s standup to know he’s not right. Still have no idea how this guy was ever held up as a voice of reason given the backdrop of routines featuring necrophilia & rat fingering.

I’ll bet there’s still a box full of VHS prime-time Olympic recordings at my parents house that I made when I was 11. This spot was great.

I’m sorry to say, but you all deserve the hate mail you got for the Scully piece. He simply reflected an opinion that at least a safe majority of normal, intelligent, decent American citizens share. Shared by your neighbors, friends and families...not just a bunch of bigoted rubes. And let’s stop with all this

Or he’s correct because, correctly, he refuses to look at America through this relativistic lens that the globalist left has successfully indoctrinated our recent generations with. There was good and evil in the 20th Century. America is the good. See how easy that is?

You know, I could understand this one, in a vacuum. “Hey, Jemele, could you please not ask people to not patronize our most heavily vested business partner...k thx. Take some time off to relax it’s ok :-)”

I’m just an Eagle Scout and I feel obligated to stand and salute the Anthem, regardless of the situation. He’s a freaking vet. It’s his duty.

America, fuck yeah. Sorry, he won me over with this speech. About damn time someone had the balls to say this to that collection of corrupt globalists who should be paying us rent for the place.

Any civilian casualties in NK are the fault of the regime for using them as shields and provoking us thusly. The blood will be on their hands.

Yeah it’s the ‘ole clickity-clack...which is awesome...but it is considered a game of ‘craps’. Basic 7s open and 7s close.

I follow professional golf very close these days. Love it, and all the various characters that are populating it.

Running against McCain helped, too...I think the Republican leadership had an early case of the ‘we owe Hillary’ syndrome during the primaries.

Not sure it’s self-segregating so much as it’s a LOT easier to be conservative in less-populated areas and a LOT easier to be liberal in an urban area. I mean the only way a place as dense and gnarled and populated as NYC can function at all is through careful planning by a labyrinth of public agencies. Not to mention