

Oh yes, I'd almost forgotten.

I don't completely agree with the female-only events, but this is certainly a step up.

Wasn't shit, but that game was the epitome of "okay story with terribly meshing gameplay".

I didnt see much to set it apart from most other FPSs on the market. It didnt even have an entertaining villain like Bioshock 1 did.

Shitty news and a shitty game.

The Irony of fox news co-opting a logo from a game that is against bigotry, xenophobia, closed borders and blind religious zealotry is just too good to spoil.

Reminds me of the hokey shit from Duke Nukem as well.

Vita didnt want to be at E3 anyways...

Anybody else think it's sorta laughable that they used characters from multi-platform games on this mural? Indeed, they used more multi-platform games for this than console exclusives or otherwise Sony-exclusive characters.

Yes. Yes, it is awesome.

I've been staring at this game sitting on my shelf ever since I bought it a few months ago, is it awesome? I've heard good things about it but my backlog is telling me Not to play it yet.

I was really hoping for a lot more of these gifs in the original. Thanks for picking up some of the slack!!

After playing Mario Kart for so long, you eventually just sort of learn this naturally.

Ugh it was so bad. Regret the purchase.

Quantum Conundrum, while decent, was a good example of a TEAM making a game and not one person, but one person (Kim Swift) ultimately getting all the credit. It was good, but it didn't live up to the hype.

I'm convinced that there's a special spot for the most toxic people in the community. My friend has been suspended numerous time, and after the last time he has only gotten matched up with insanely toxic people, AFKers, and people who just disconnect from games.

The simplicity and relative lack of direct interaction kind of reminds me of Seaman :)

Tribunal is horrible. I told someone that they shouldn't tell me what to do like: "I'm not going to let a noob with 2 games played tell me how to play my lane" and got banned when he reported me and said "Called me the N word."