
Although I haven't played the game, it seemed like exactly this from those Let's Play videos.

In addition to being a talented hacker, a gifted social engineer, a firearms expert, a parkour practitioner and a brutally efficient hand-to-hand combatant, I'm indeed quite good behind the wheel.

This is a Michael Bay Transformers article. You are clear on that right?

No, it bored me because it wasn't that good.

I hate the advertisement of automobiles in movies. Fucking latest Die Hard. Disappointment.

I'll admit that I've seen Transformers(the first one) more than 20x and I LOVE it. The other not so much.

Holy shit. I must'v been really tired :D:D

You'd think it be cool to see people dress like this, but when you really seem them, hipsters, you want to rip your eyes from their sockets.

I'd like a manual if in return we get the stupid mandatory in-game tutorials that teach you how to fucking walk in-game.

Target is becoming the new Walmart apparently.

The movie was a snorefest. Go get a couple lapdances. Far better value.

Bigger file size. Take longer to deliver stream.

I would have loved it but left due to the incredibly boring plot. Had it opened with and only contained monsters fighting, yeah I would have loved to stay and watch it. I'll watch the fight online.

I agree. Those people are annoying as shit.

Anything that's not Pacific Rim?

Dude same. SNOREFEST.

Greatest movie ever made? Debatable. Strongly debatable.

They should have, movie would've been bearable at 35 minutes or so. Snorefest.

Seriously. I didnt' want to watch fucking Kick Ass on steroids for the duration of the film. I was like fuuuck this im out and left the theater.

On the contrary, big ass mechs and gozilla-like monsters, Asian countries loved it.