
Well of course an AMD card would provide these real world effects to make your gaming experience all the more intense.

Your smarts are going to get cursed out of here dude. Be prepared.

Yup...Nvidia is the way it's meant to be played.

I think they should go a step further with cheaters. Public execution :'D

I stopped reading at think.

I'm just calling him out on his bullshit.

Pfft. Blonde hair, blue eyes all the way.

But you are replying to posts you don't like. Clean your glasses some, man. Maybe get a stronger prescription.

Do you not see how you contradict yourself here?

It is definitely a challenge, but it was more the horror within the dark that made me not want to finish the game. I only played the newest Stalker. Call of Pripyat I think.

Yeah they suck shit. Almost as bad as Deadmaus

Aphex Twin soundtrack in the next Minecraft update.

I think video card box art is the best. Non-GTX cards that is.

Sometimes you oversleep though :P

Same dude :D

I so knew President Heller wasn't dead. I thought of what Chloe was working on at the computer, "something important." STU or whatever the hell you call the agency sent her the drone data and I sort of knew she was manipulating the drone video feed to probably make Al Haraazi believe Heller was dead.

Blame Nintendo. Send a letter of complaint.

Seems appropriate for someone who boned my mom to do.

The ref was a fucking retard in today's match with Mexico and Croatia.