“I hate it when he does that, Mav...”
“HoW CoMe MaVeRiCk iS In tHe BaCkSeAt Of An F-18?!?!”
Maverick is the one who really hit his head on the canopy in the first film. Maverick awakes from the medically induced coma to see Goose waiting by his bedside and then finds out what really happened.
I don’t think Top Gun would be exciting if Tom Cruise were flying Super Tucanos doing bombing runs on insurgents.
poor third-world dictatorships
I’m regretting this as I type it, but this is a way restaurants can get your butt in the seat and order, then spring the added cost at the last minute. I support paying benefits, but I hate this sneaky crap. Just roll it into menu pricing with a note on the menu. I’m wondering which MOA place this is, as I very well…
Isn’t this a lot like refusing to decorate cakes for occasions you don’t approve of, or refusing to dispense birth control for religious reasons?
They aren’t going to fuck you
Or a robot ninja
1. I don’t understand why you would make a game that’s supposed to be a somewhat historically accurate depiction of medieval warfare with female combatants. The few the historical record attests to are edge cases that don’t prove anything, and shield-maidens are largely the fantastical projection of men, the final…
If a game doesn’t adhere to your own personal fantasy, then don’t play it. A developer should have enough creative freedom to not be called a sexist for a lack of female knights. This is just like how some are angry about there not being a female Link (not to be confused with having Zelda as a protagonist). I don’t…
I don’t understand why they don’t just make it historically accurate and solve both problems; adding various Muslim kingdoms from North Africa and the Near East along with Mongols would tick off all the race boxes AND represent historically accurate enemies that actually fought with European-style Knights.
Others are citing how strange it is for players to be complaining that women might be added to a game where frying pans do more damage than pitchforks.
People actually read the chat in multiplayer games? I enjoy Battlefield, R6 Siege, and Mordhau, because I’m too busy actually playing the game, instead of reading what randoms have to say.
That Shield finale still sticks to my mind and is a great example of what made that show as awesome and ahead of its time as it was. What I respected the most about it, in a growing degree after seeing so many other shows falter in this, is that it never lost sight who Vic Mackey was. He was always the villain at the…
The assumption that there would be any left after seven days is laughable.
I was playing it for the free weekend, and while I could mostly deal with towns being full of people with dumb names jumping up and down a lot, having the dungeons be full of spazzes is just the f@#$ing worst.
You’re asking people to make smart, informed decisions about financing and large purchases?! People should take personal responsibility for their financial decisions?! Craziness.