The efficiency gains, absent any regulation or incentives, mostly just mean people use their cars more. We’re talking about accommodating more traffic on the same road. As mentioned in the article, this can be done by packing cars in more efficiently or by increasing the capacity of the road. The latter solution…
Uh Hillary never mentioned her by name but Tulsi sure felt like a hit dog so I guess she hollered. If you were one of the ones defending “The Russian Asset” and bashing Hillary you can sit your ass down and shut the hell up. That means Beto, Mayor Pete, Crazy Ass Yang, Uncle Joe and Bernie can all kick rocks. You look…
Bones makes precisely zero sense.
Much as I agree with most of the points in that video (albeit it being more a “here’s why I hate SNL” video more than an actual discussion of neoliberalism), damn I found that guy’s voice dull.
Neoliberal now means "doesn't read Jacobin"
The fact that Ray Donovan somehow continues to exist despite the universe’s infinite indifference towards it is still funny to me.
“I feel safe saying that the reason their politics have been bad is not because they constantly argue that social goals should be attained via an unfettered free market”
Correlation isn’t causation — Trump hosted SNL, but so did Ralph Nader, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, George McGovern and Steve Forbes. Forbes was also a presidential candidate at the time that he hosted. Didn’t exactly help Forbes in any way and he had as much chance of being the candidate as Trump did at that point in…
I wish people would figure out what neoliberalism actually means instead of using it to mean “liberalism, but bad”.
“Saturday Night Live gave Trump the win” is a theory for blinkered liberals defiantly believing that no one could actually have different opinions or viewing habits than themselves, similar to wondering why farmers in a 3 person/square mile population density don’t want or need public transportation options. You…
I agree with you that it was unfair and he never should have hosted. I just don’t think it got him elected.
I’m all for talking about how shitty it was for Lorne to have Trump host, but I’m never going to believe being on SNL got Trump elected. SNL just doesn’t have that level of cachet - even in 2000, when the show was more popular and more known to the public, Bush (who got a lot of fun and positive sketches on the show)…
Funny how when you punch down, you attract other people with a history of punching down.
If Chet's looking for all that weight he lost, I think Jeremy has it.
It's nice to see that Jeremy is still a self righteous asshole. I don't think I hate a character on TV more than I hate Jeremy.
That dog was absolutely holding him back from being the MRA he's so excited to have become. He probably spitroasted it in Patagonia.
"I really hope there's a lot more chet and jeremy this season!" - no one.
The point was that he didn't really care about any of them. It was all a show, so if one of them is eliminated because a family from old school aristocracy is inherently racist (surprise surprise), Adam goes with it. Grace or Anna, it doesn't REALLY matter, so if Nana can eliminate one option for him, why should he…