
Oh good lord, I don’t want to be around for that.

Ever watch clips of Albert Haynesworth when he was in Washington?

“I’m 1/89th Cherokee! WOooOoOOOOOO, who wants to do body shots!?!?!?”

It’s a rough spot, for sure- if what he did is true, it’s pretty rotten stuff and he deserves to not get work like this anymore. The problem with that being, as you said, that there’s nothing to work off other than his word vs. hers- and it’s pretty unfair to him to punish him over allegations that may or may not be

I’m only up to five, but to be fair I’ve been using a hockey stick the whole time.

I always assumed he was in the Hall. Honest mistake.

“Listen, I dove on a football- if we’re going to play three-card monte and only one of them is real, I’m fucking retiring, man.”

On most other plays? Yeah, he got trucked by Miller often enough in that game (and the opener a few months later) that he probably still hears Von’s footsteps in the night. On THAT play, arguably one of the most important plays he’s ever been invovled in? Watch it again and tell me that’s a guy wanting to win at all

“Gruuuden... Gruuuuuden... Gruuuuuuuden...”

Yeah, I had to stare at that one for a couple of moments too.

I was floored by that play. Still am. I admit (grudgingly) to being a Broncos fan, and when that play happened I knew it was over and we were going to win that game- if that’s the effort being put into getting a turnover at a crucial moment by the Panthers’ best player, this wasn’t going to end well for them.

...good lord. If he throws any worse than that, John Elway is going to try to make him a QB this fall.

Came here to post the same thing. You’re doing the work of the aviation gods, may they smile upon you and offer an extra bag of pretzels.

...well, it took a couple to drive Carr to tears, so that seems plausible actually.

I imagined him shouting this in Schwarzenegger’s voice, with a few ice puns thrown in afterwards. +1

...wait, does that mean Brown has lupus?

I work in the Georgetown area of Washington DC, and across the street from my office are a couple of Italian restaurants. They do pretty good business- the outdoor tables are pretty packed at lunchtime when I look out my windows. Once in a while I’ll run across to get a salad or something to bring back to my desk...

“Stop trying to bunt me and just bunt me!”

But... he’s right! It DOES bring people together! Don’t you remember all the Home Depot torchbearers in Charlottseville? His words are what brought together that gathering of very fine people!

Man, this made it just under the wire for Why Your Team Sucks...