Appropriate response is appropriate.
Appropriate response is appropriate.
I was supposed to go to that, but I was so hung over I slept through it. Dying before the adventure sucks.
So he definitely murdered her.
How about “Ulysses S. Grant Kicked Robert E Lee’s Ass Highway”
Damn - even a BABY statue gets his little private part shined up from all the grabbing. People are so fucking weird.
I am frankly pissed off that I did not know this before this week. I assumed - you know what they say about assuming! - that public statues of this sort MUST be unique, handmade artworks (despite representing something terrible). On this basis I ASSumed that they had some merit that made them worth saving, if only in…
Another great redesign. Keep ‘em coming!
Does he also add “surcharges” whenever the price of fish changes? Labor isn’t some unfair expense, it’s an expected cost of doing business.
I can’t believe people are this fucking stupid. Raising minimum wage will make everyone more money. If people have extra money, they will spend it on stuff. All that money spent on stuff gets transferred back to the rich assholes that begrudgingly provide those wages to their employees.
He’s 1/2 of the twins from Big Daddy, Friends, etc.
Punching one Nazi doesn’t help. Punching a whole bunch of Nazis literally solved a world of problems.
Yup, Bee’s position is another milquetoast “fight Nazis with love / the left is as bad as the right” take. Though at this point, we shouldn’t be shocked by anything less from her.
You might want to hold off on that civics lesson, because hate speech absolutely is, to a large extent, protected by the First Amendment, at least as it has been interpreted over the last 70 years or so.
I’m going to make sure to add a few civics lessons to my teaching this year, even though it’s not my subject because holy fuck do people not understand what freedom of speech and civil rights mean.
Nah, son, they wanted blood and violence and broken glass and chaos, and ignoring them is what “good” citizens did in Berlin a while back. Fuck that noise.
Oh, I think you spelled his name wrong, which admittedly is easy to do.
I saw a clip from an interview with the terrorist’s mother, who said: ‘I don’t really talk to him about his political views’ and ‘ I don’t really get too involved’. Maybe she should have.
The nazi apologists are out in full force today. I have seen countless comments today saying “both sides suck” “antifa is just as bad”.
There is no debate with genocidal maniacs. You stop them or they commit genocide.