Remember, being “disruptive and belligerent” is a crime punishable by beating in our police-state.
Remember, being “disruptive and belligerent” is a crime punishable by beating in our police-state.
The second part of that lemonade stand story In The New Yorker is kind of revealing, too, but in a different way:
Also never forget; Hillary was unsavoury because she was a warhawk who was going to drag the US into a bunch of military conflicts all over the world..................................
She was literally already advocating we bomb Syria though
And your actual evidence for any of these 100% personal opinions?
I’m always shocked when people act like nerds aren’t the worst people in the world. See Gizmodo/Reddit/4chan. See Silicon Valley.
CBR has a great detailed look at the numbers that kind of show David Gabriel might be an idiot.
Except that was debunked and many calls were made to police.
Rich - thank you for that post script. We are all constantly evolving hopefully for the better, though it may seem like the regressives shout loudest right now. Really appreciate your honesty and humility with this.
For last year’s “Knives & Concrete” themed trivia night.
That ending was so good I went back and watched it again.
I am extremely worried about how much fire there is at this party.
I am missing it because I was somehow hostaged into watching “Wrestlemania” with my newly caveman husband.
Every time I see his twitter header image it makes me think of:
During the Bush administration, where there was one corrupt connection after another (the false premise of the Iraq war, Abu Ghraib, Halliburton/KBR, Enron, the doxxing of Valerie Plame, etc.) either extensively reported in the media or eventually investigated by Congress. I was always thinking, “This is it. This is…
Why is being within 1000 feet of a church a crime of its own?
Whew good thing that ban never passed or else I’d be STARVING
No THAC0? No negative AC?