umm Dick Cheney did some stuff that substantially altered the direction of America, if you recall.
umm Dick Cheney did some stuff that substantially altered the direction of America, if you recall.
Aaron Burr & Millard Fillmore each killed a guy.
You're a Moron. Kaine, is an abomination of a pick, and the delegates should boo his ass off the stage. He's a bank deregulating, religious nut case, that belongs in the past. He's a fucking blue dog, a d that lot are, and always will be, the scum of the earth.
Dog for veep!
Nah, if she was like Trump then 5 minutes after Munich broke she would have announced that she was not going to announce her VP until the following day, out of respect for the victims. Then she would Tweet it out 20 minutes later anyway. Then she would get her worst intern to try to design a logo in which the “C” in…
Be serious.
Great, so the story is only like 50% garbage now. I hope this means she gets out of jail soon, because she never should have been there in the first place.
It’s probably going to be either Tim Kaine or Tom Vilsack. Both of which are incredibly boring white bread choices that I hate.
New phone who dis?
Mrs. Trump, any words?
“People should vote their conscience”
Oh I don’t doubt that for a second, and I also don’t doubt people buy them
re: Kumail
Or Department of Transportation.
A friend of mine in college described a weekend festival she attended by saying everything was harmonious and people were dressed like fairies. There were children and beauty and she figured out the meaning of life. I asked her if she had been shrooming all weekend and she couldn’t believe I guessed correctly.
Until they mentioned Cleveland by name, I assumed this was a joke by someone in San Diego.
MIGHT disagree with? Well you’re unintentionally funny.
Did you accidentally go to a local arts and crafts fair and not the RNC?