That was low and tmi.
That was low and tmi.
Now I have the image of Hugh Hefner’s boner and I want to sew my vagina (and apparently butthole and mouth) shut.
That is quite a slow walk.
Two days ago he was slightly West of Boulder...maybe he’s digging a moat.
Why should we know that Shia is South of Boulder, Colorado?
Sidebar: Te Nehisi Coates is writing the current Black Panther comic and it’s fantastic
Oh shit I didn't know this was highschool girls UFC. My bad, carry on with your dumb point.
So you’d argue that a DUI homicide should not be charged harshly because there was no “intent” to kill someone?
An accident would be if she tripped her without meaning to. She may not have meant to kill her, but she meant her harm and that harm resulted in death.
I think she should be charged, but not as an adult. We have two systems for a reason and while her actions are objectionable/wrong/terrible, upping her up to an adult would just be responding to outrage and ignoring the reasoning behind trying juveniles as juveniles.
And now we’re supposed to hate Jon Stewart by association. Good grief.
I’ve never been down with the modern progressive thought that all allegations/accusations must immediately be taken as factual. It’s rife for manipulation.
Not the first time some old dude got overly excited about a teenage girl’s jugs.
Tony is the Bob Belcher to Peter’s Jimmy Pesto.
I love that Spidey has his own company. Even more so now that Tony is his sitcom arch rival.
Yes, down with safe spaces! Let’s live in the real world! I agree with the man who has several bodyguards and unlimited private transportation!
69 counts of indecent exposure? Nice.