
They have not had comment on in months.

and what if he insisted she keep it? its still her decision regardless. she isn’t some poor girl form Louisiana. She is a millionaire with resources. Men get parenthood forced on them all the time.

They are tackling subjects that this site holds dear, and now it old and tired

and she is poisoning their daughter too. Don’t forget Willow wrote a letter to Tupac. 

She got pregnant by a college student. Love how they skip over that part in the post.

and what about the rest of the dreck that out? you like some of the best comedies out last 10-15 years. its still a lot of crap out here.

And have stiffer penalties for people who cause accidents or injure pedestrians. 

The show won 37 Emmys. Probably the most ever for a sitcom. But they are asking why? iCarly got reboot for christ sakes. 

she has enough money for two laptops. She knows to dress well and how to act in court. so get a grown up laptop. is it the worst thing in the world ? no.

Unless they have neck or hand tattoos you wouldn’t see them.

and the fact she still received a Humanitarian award is baffling.  

It said lead, not 4th billed.

Idk, why do people watch the Office and Friends over and over? I hear people complain about Call of Duty and FPS shooters alot. if you don’t like sports games cool. Just dont’ worry about it. 

Murders are ok?

look at former football player Michael Irvin. He got fired form ESPN and NFL network, and if it wasn’t for video tape, he would still be fighting this. Yeah he got a settlement but so what. We need to find a better way than just accusing people in public, them losing everything just based on accusations. Because not

So no post about that young lady who claimed to get hit with a brick by a black man, then come to find out she lied? Nothing huh? 

My wife is from Europe and she was used to seeing this on TV over there. I had to explain to her why its offensive here. But at the same time, they have no history of black face either and the black people they do have living there arent american. She is Czech and she had a black doll that looked like Raggedy Ann her

Michael Irvin just settled a lawsuit because he was accused of something he didn’t do and only video evidence exonerated him. He was already fired from two jobs. So stop with this believe victims shit. Take allegations seriously and investigate, but stop with the blanket belief like women don’t lie like men can lie.

But like he said, it happens all the time. So good for you that you woulnd’t do that, but it has been done and maybe by someone you know or respect.

Maybe that’s why the police commissioner is resigning. It’s for a new job , but still.