
Yeah, I have a weird soft spot for the Murano CrossCabriolet.

*krokodil and yeah


I don’t like their temperment. Always blowing their top.

All phones die. Not all phones truly live.

But what will I listen to my Edison cylinders on now that everyone’s using the gramophone? Whaaaa!

In the coral
The mighty coral
The lionfish dies tonight

Yep, not like it's going to explode in your pocket or anything. Now that would be newsworthy.

apparently I have an over zealous finger...

Hey man, these pearls ain’t gonna clutch themselves.

I’m using Chrome and they appear fine. The frown doesn’t show for me, but I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life.

The Road Kill guys will read this and shed a tear at the collapse of American manhood. Three whole hours, you poor thing!

Are you talking about Ice-T rapping as a cop killer or as an actor playing a cop?

Firewire was shelved because of Thunderbolt. :-)

Bullshit, you can hear us just fine. I mean its not like you have anywhere to plug your earphones in to distract you ;)

A real Moby Dick move.

It can derelict it’s own balls.