
That’s not the issue, this is like a sailing flag proportions, or the Denmark flag. I didn’t specify them.

Hahhahaha thaaaanks

well played

What s’matta you?!?

UncleWalty? More like Uncle Salty.

Forcetouch-gate. “You’re pressing too hard”


I was ready bring the fight...until I saw you wisely came around to the side of reason.

That’s more of a Shelbyville idea.

No; I was just out hiking. I answered back. ;-)

Came here for this. Left satisfied.

I was all like, “52,000mph?! That’s gotta be like 10% light speed or somethin, dood.” So then I was all like, “Google, how fast light speed be in mph?” And google be like, “670,616,629mph.” And I was all, “Dayum.”

Which would explain why the probe can’t stop actually! They’d have to slow down first and I guess it just doesn’t have the fuel for it. Unless...its got an e-brake we don’t know about. :o

What’s an mp3? Can you stream it? :)

“Cosmodrome” is a good, woody sort of word. It’s not tinny like “spaceport”.

You’re gonna need a bigger blog...