
An explanation I like is that its a dark vision, similar to what Luke had on Dagobah.

Compare the Dark Rey and Darth Maul clips and it just looks like cheap CGI. However, the duel on the Death Star wreckage (I’m assuming) looks bad ass. 

“As any person (or corporation, just as often) that’s tried to artificially bump something to the front page of Reddit has discovered, you can’t plan in advance what people will care about. You can’t make something “go viral.” And you sure as shit can’t engineer stunts guaranteed to get people talking.”

X is crippled = fine.

I doubt she’s a clone or that there will be time travel involved in the movie. Palpatine manipulated the force to engineer Anakin Schmi’s birth which means Rey could also be a manipulation of the force. Would be just for Palpatine to be destroyed a second time by an instrument of his creation.

Whirlwind of Emotions’ is just their name for that 360 deg Matrix kick effect.

Me too. Palpatine engineered Anakin Schmi which means that Rey is also a result of that work then both of them are Palpatines.

It’s 0.5 units better.

Well you certainly used all the buzz words.

Which high-end Android tablet are you using?

I see plenty of the first gen Pathfinder Qs on the road.

I suppose “gearbox” is now accurate; as opposed to “gearsbox”.

It was the dog.

But I maintain that it’s true. We paid a total of $58 for two nights, with the required Michigan state “recreation passport” which any resident should just fork over the $11 annual fee for.

Were confronting it because HBO needed something to replace Game of Thrones.

I just paid cash and had no delay.

I’m more worried about what they evolve into.

I don’t want to catch any of them.

Bind them with a circle.

Is the base model called the Min. e-Golf?