
I remember seeing a Corolla of similar vintage pull of the road once due to a cacophony of noises from underneath. The occupants got out, looked under the car, and proceeded to pull the entire exhaust assembly from underneath it. They then placed the exhaust on the side of the road, and went on their merry way. 

Take my face off the minivan’ is one of those statements that would be awesome to hear out of context.

A 2003 Mazda Protege5, bought at the beginning of 2015, in Michigan. If you know anything about a Mazda’s fondness for rusting, you’ll probably understand the state of the thing when I got it. It also had a loud aftermarket exhaust with a variety of holes and worn gaskets, but I needed a car, so I bought it, and it

We’d do this on the farm with a tractor using its PTO coupling (normally used to transfer power to a mechanized trailer or plough) to keep the generator spinning when power was out. Sadly it wasn’t connected to the house but at least we had coal fires to keep us from freezing.

There’s a photo buried in my Mum’s attic of me as a kid sitting in one of these at a car show. The Ascari reps had it roped off, but I think it was a slow day and I guess they were bored, so they opened the rope and asked it I wanted to see inside. I’m sure every part inside was from Ford or Rover, but it was NICE.

I had a friend who had a three-door in the early 00's. It was... fine. Once you got past the styling and marketing it was a pretty dull car. Perfectly competent transportation, but it had few irredeemable qualities beyond that.

You just need to move to Europe, they were sold there:

No they don’t. These are chips:

Musk will announce he’s going to build a presidential limo from a Cybertruck that’s neither been asked for nor fit for purpose, and after he’s been told he’s not qualified and his idea won’t work, will launch into a twitter tirade that ends with him calling Biden a pedophile and Tesla’s share price tanking.

Always love it when you do one of the vehicular rundowns, especially how the cars compare to the characters driving them. I think you’d get a blast out of doing one on Halt and Catch Fire - the cars each of the characters drive throughout the progression of the show is choice.

So does this mean Chrysler finally gets a chance to make this?

Dr Manhattan basically invented the electric car and made ICE engines obsolete overnight. Manhattan mentions it in passing to the OG Niteowl at his retirement party after OG Niteowl states his intention to get back into fixing cars. Its simultaneously an indicator of Manhattan’s ambivalence to regular people lives in

Patton Oswald did a bit in his stand-up about how he knew a lot of kids who were born to summer of love parents. They grew up with their folks espousing free love and peace to them, so when those kids became old enough, they rebelled against their hippie parents by moving to the suburbs and voting Republican. So

If the fun car has to have an automatic, then it should be a good one. I think that should fairly narrow the field OP can afford to something by VW or BMW. Maybe Mazda?

Definitely not product placement - the BBC charter doesn’t allow for it. Also, most UK forces have a steady flow of Volvo estates, so it’s not much of a reach for him to have one.

One of these riptide looking bastards.

Ha! It’s far too easy to fuck up in a tractor isn’t it? Once I backed a tractor into a gate and bent it 90 degrees. It took me a half hour of contemplating running away before I worked up the courage to confess.

Innocenti’s got you covered.

I just laughed harder at that than anything I’ve ever seen from Big Bang Theory.

I’d be on board for this too, but I read elsewhere that Hulu makes most of its revenue from advertising, so I’d be surprised if its an option.