
So wait they're not making a Pinky and the Brain movie?

it's all about pocket frogs folks.

@blalien: did-a-chick, dad-a-chum

I think it's great, the video sold me on it. Now if only I could find an extension that also prioritizes the emails that I get notifications for.

Now playing

@TheCrudMan: Disposable cameras are pretty easy to take apart. When you've finished using the camera the film winds into the canister. The hardest part is avoiding getting a shock if the camera has a flash. that can be done by discharging the flash by taking a picture after the camera is finished.

@geekymitch: I agree, I'd also like to see some prices. It's hard to make a choice without knowing how much I'll have to drop .

I live in canada will there EVER be a chance for me to get this without having to cross the border and unlock it?

@Live N Learn: I'm currently using a CylcoDS evoloution and I love it. I had never been able to find a clear answer for a Homebrew card in the new gen. Thanks for all of your help.

does anyone know if there is an R4 card that is compatible with the DSiXL? I have a ds lite but am hesitant to give it up because of the features of the R4.

@Error_404: Yes True! Kotaku has some information here:

@Manly McBeeferton: Gimmicks aside the fact that you wont be able to catch any older pokemon until you've beat the game will make it a great experience. no longer will you be walking and constantly not catching pidgeys and rattatats.

@gotezula: also please tell me I can play as that pig monster.

Why is is that no matter when you last played Guitar Hero if you look at the still of the scrolling notes they look like they're stretching farther away from you?

@Kryptolojik: Kotaku needs a like button so I can click it for this comment.

These pictures are pretty awesome, but the placement of that power button looks a little dubious. Mad scribbling might cause you to accidentally turn it off.

does anyone else think this looks like a monocle? I say perhaps we'll see iPhone mustache cases popping up. Heyo!

Please tell me this will come to Canada!

Slappers anyone?