they already fucked many years ago. their threesome may have ended his marriage
they already fucked many years ago. their threesome may have ended his marriage
his songs are FULL of puns
cocaine is one hell of a drug
I was too busy getting wasted at the private screening so I have no idea. lol. I will say that kevin hart will be a supastah! after it comes out
yeah, i get it. she's not an actress, pretty sure she did not work on the movie & they never should have been invited in the 1st place. i'm sure this "opportunity" will get her acting jobs & i'll just sit here getting older & wondering then it will be my turn
a similar thing happened to me(without the dildos). it happens
yeah :-(
I was in this movie(until I was edited out) yet SHE was invited to the premiere :-(
the rabbit lady did it to make money not because of mental illness
you don't have to be poor to be an artist(obviously) but this looks like more of a "i don't need to pay my own rent" kind of situation instead of a "i need to create to live" one #sorrynotsorry
I don't see an artist,i see a very bored rich woman with a lot of time on her hands
you are right & I don't know why people are continuing to argue with you. i've lived in major cities in texas & california & yes it is hard to find a free restroom where you don't have to beg to use. the public library here even locks their bathrooms(why I will never know bc they let in everybody anyways)
I had no idea jan was so self aware. now I love her even more
well he is doing beetlejuice 2 with Keaton (fingers crossed)
I always think of that when I try to cut tape off a box with a key. it's SUPER hard yet she cut out a baby with one :-(
i bought a black slip online from fredericks & it was freshly steamed/pressed, folded very neatly,sealed in plastic & covered in white deodorant(I guess) marks. i guess they were like "eh,this is good enough". :-( lol
I buy a majority of my clothes online & I've gotten some lingerie(more than once) from victorias secret/fredericks of Hollywood that had obviously been used/worn. it amazes me how pearl clutchy everyone is. its a business, they are there to make money, & no they do not throw the returned clothes into a fire.
i'm always amazed at how people think online=cleaner. when you return something online, they don't throw it away.
women have wider hips & are usually fatter so (in theory) women should be taking up more space