
I haven't had a breakfast there in years because of that. the pancakes are my favorite but there's no way I can get there that early :-(

yeah. i've lived in tx for almost 2 decades(not Austin so I have no idea)& it only snowed for 5 minutes once. so bizzare

"brother husbands"? :-) I like the cut of your jib!

I have been OBSESSED with those shirts since middle school yet i'm too cheap to buy one.i think alloy sells them as well.

not really. most casting websites you can write full paragraphs of nonsense so yes, the title may be "big white dyke" but then the description can go into detail. I have been on these casting websites for over a decade now & the majority of black female parts are "good hair, light skin" or "crackhead prostitute,

most actresses don't have natural hair. I've had natural hair for many years, i think I know a little about it

its easier to comb & cover with a wig when short

maybe she IS white & just has not noticed....or something...jk

finally! I cannot wait. brb, have to start making cucumber/mayo sandwiches with the crust cut off

the problem is, for {redacted} people, sassy is the ONLY word that can describe a black woman

i'm pretty sassy & don't mind telling it but I guess sassy is the same like nigger with me. i'd rather say it about me than have other people say it

idk.it was cheap so I assume it was not police grade

I've maced a couple of men(don't ask)& yes it is a mist but 98% will go on him so I really wouldn't worry about any sort of blow back. good luck :-)

yes, hopefully

I love this!

nz out america'd us!

yes,some women look like that naturally but kim bought her lumpy, filled diaper looking ass.i think THAT is the problem with most who find it unattractive, not the fact that it is out of proportion

i guess rita ora is the new marilyn

at first I thought it said ww1 & I was all "wha?????"