
I never submitted for that show & the casting directors kept calling/emailing me to audition for about a month. of course,they never came out & said the name was "dating naked". they'd give you the spiel for about 20 minutes, then mention you'd have to be naked on the show but dont worry because they would blur it out.

no way. "nature's biggest assholes" are obviously roaches.the rest I agree with :-)

thatz so hawt!

I worry about her poor baby :-(

tila tequila is a big fan of the Nazis. ignorance like that always amazes me

I could live the rest of my life in these jim jams

or just spend some $$ like onika

as giraffe pussy

that's a good idea.brb

I clicked when I really should not have :-(

they know you're angry & spiteful because that's how all black women are all the time.duh!

that's hawt!

right? shit just got real. lol


sure sure

& here is where i'd post a gif that said "white people"

idk but I see him in Hollywood all the time

right? how did I miss that?

AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG

dude,get in line.I've already bought my leopard fur muff for this winter