i knew some idiot was going to bring up rape. nope. wrong. sorry. a better example would be like this:
i knew some idiot was going to bring up rape. nope. wrong. sorry. a better example would be like this:
I wouldn't call it "victim blaming", i'd say it was more common sense. they say something like insanity is doing the same thing over & over & expecting a different result. this is not the 1st time she has been photographed with her skirt flying up. eventually, you need to take responsibility for your actions.
yes.most designer skirts & coats have weights sewn in.i'm sure you can also buy them at craft stores
you may not have heard of hem weights but the royal seamstress (& the queen) has
not really. most couture/high end designers(chanel,d&g,vuitton) still put hem weights in their skirts/coats
i'd rather she(& other trust fund babies) wasted more of their time protesting than trying to be famous or making horrible music/clothes/art
I only wear heels when I am getting paid to wear heels.they are uncomfortable & my legs are just as long/sexy when in flats
thank you
right? they are so awesome & chet(as hot as he is)is embarrassing
idk.i'm pretty colored & I couldn't name one of his songs if my life depended on it
sunsilk anti poof RIP :-(
but Anastasia is a gorgeous name!
i'm going to have to disagree with that "99% pick up dog poop" comment. doubtful
i remember waaaaaaay back in the day when most catalog items were actually drawn & not photographs.seems like it would just be easier to do it that way again
Natasha lyonne is the best
it will be online for free an hour later.dont worry :-)
lol.i read all the books & don't remember any of it.i must have ben traumatized & blocked it all out :-)
"childhood sexual abuse is an all too common backstory with women" the end.
right? & its so much better to fuck anyone who asks & not get paid for it
your mom sounds awesome