
I don't understand Stargate leading/beating Fringe. My dad must be voting in this.

That was the plan apparently.

Nah, Ray's gonna go too far and come into conflict with Ollie (probably because of Ra's running around as the Arrow); we'll then see where her true loyalties lie. Smoochies may ensue.

Gotta be the Lazarus Pit in Sara's case. I'd almost guarantee that Malcolm puts the idea of resurrecting Sara in Thea's head before the finale.

Not to mention her remark about having to always pick up the boys toys or something to that effect; sounds like classic Whedon foreshadowing to me...

My father worked on a farm in Florida when he was a teenager. One of his jobs was to hook up dead cows to a tractor so that the driver could pull the carcass to a remote part of the field and let it decompose without making people or other animals sick. Unfortunately one of the cows fell over onto a stump when it

I was 19 years old and this was the first game I ever finished that made me sad because I loved the characters and universe so much, much as BioWare would in my 20s and 30s. Good times.

You've got that right...

You mean like this?

Oh my.

I... I can't even...

I swear the more time goes by the more I agree with your posts. Very well said.

Baron Strucker is the head of HYDRA, FYI.

I can agree with you on a lot of stuff Evan, but not this. Scarecrow's always been on par with Two-Face as Batman's second greatest villain, at least to me.

They should just use the original:

John Boyega was born in England to Nigerian parents, so he's not American.

Actually there's precedence in the comics for most mutants' X-gene not activating until adolescence, and some have taken more (or less) time than that.

Of course there will be some modern fancy new terms for trans and cis that old people (read: our generation) will complain as being too PC and don't understand why kids have to change things.

I'm wouldn't touch that with a 3-foot katana...

Is it Christopher Walken's anus?