
When arrow ends they should replace it with a live action Young Justice show. They already have Artemis, Miss Martian, Arsenal (or Speddy), Wally West (or Jessie Quick).

Can we get Lyla as a regular on team arrow please? she is so awesome and actually knows what she is doing.

Can't trust any evil mime!

DCW shows have flaws but the attention to details is something we should applaud them for.

Some people are saying he is a spy of the dominators (the aliens that will invade earth 1 in the crossover). I think that would be pretty damn awesome.

He actually defeated the villian without a motivational speech, keep it up Barry!

You know what would be fun? Since they send that equation through the multiverse in next week's episode of Supergirl Winn should say something like "hey a weird message just came from another earth."

I love that Barry hasn't forget what Oliver taught him, those are the little yet important details.

It sucks that they just used Mirror Master as a villain of the week, they could have used him better.

Cowboy Wells was my favorite

Greetings A.V. CLUB earthlings (damn I may have to make this my new intro)

I love that episode so much, is an amazing display of Melissa's talent and range as an actress.

spin gif!

All of the classic actors should have a scene together, something simple like having coffe while they talk about life. I would pay to see that.

I think at this point is safe to assume neither he nor Lucy Lane will be back. And I also don't think the show will give an explanation as to why.

true but she did that mainly because of Kara, any other situation she wouldn't handle it the way she did with Astra.

I think is impossible for Melissa not to be adorable, if the writers want to challenge themselves the should try doing an episode were Melissa is not adorable.

true but I don't want Alex to assume a superhero identity, she also doesn't need to she is already a badass.

yeah I didn't like what he did to James (kudos to James for confronting him later in the episode btw) but so far he is pretty much the best boss Kara could have asked for, he is not a jerk he is just demaning and wants things done right.

Well you can also see it this way, aside from her sister and J'onn pretty much every other alien she has encountered is bad, plus she has been trained to fight aliens so it makes sense that she doesn't trust any of them before meeting them.