
Well at least this he won't be losing Sara anytime soon (hopefully, unless the writers really hate Quentin)

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that.

Well destroying the idol would make sense but, just like team flash, team arrow is not very good when it comes to making logical decisions.

I love that instead of being angry like he was when Sara died Quentin was desperate to find ways to bring Laurel back, and I'm also glad they gave him a resolution this episode instead of dragging it for the rest of the season, now his character can move on.

I agree, that one is by far my favorite "hero loses his power" episode.

I know, but is was early on the season (episode 7 iirc) so it wasn't as bad. It sucks that they are doing it again tho (and let's not get into how he lost his powers)

Oh that's right, is very possible that she gets her powers as well.

She wasn't with the team tonight so I didn't consider her, but yeah she was on idiot mode from last week.

Who knows maybe she will become a metahuman, she will blame Wells for taking her rooomate and she will kidnap him. Then in an attempt to save his father Jesse will unlock the speedforce within her and become a superheroe.

Well unlike last week they showed some competence tonight, unfortunately they decided not to be idiots in a meanigless episode.

This "hero loses his powers" episode is one of my least favorites ever, there is nothing wrong with it but at this point of the season I don't like this type of meh, nothing really happens episodes, Killer Frost died so that's something (but it kinda sucks).

Well keep in mind that Flash and Legends have different reviewers, but I agree D+ should only be given to episodes that fail in every department, and that's not the case for this one.

They just have to find a better main plot (and a better villian), because so far everything has been pretty good and entertaining. The show already has a great cast to work around and everyone has gotten a decent amount develovement and that's not easy to do on a show with a lot of characters.

Can you really blame her for failing tho? I mean who was expecting kid Rip to be this badass, I give no fucks I play no games child? I didn't see that coming.

Badass of the episode goes to kid Rip tho. He is even more Savage than Vandal Savage, hell they should take him to the next confrontation with Vandal I know he could get the job done.

Wow what a total mess this episode was. You expect me to belive that instead of giving the bad guy what he wants you can actually set him a trap? Sorry but the last episode of the Flash made it very clear that doing what the bad guy wants is the right thing to do so what teams legends did today is complete nonsense.

Barry lost his speed, luckly not his life (same goes for the rest of the team) but in exchange Caitlyn was kidnapped. So basically they traded one captive for another one and Flash gave Zoom his speed…

Welp all I can say about this one is that Barry and company took a well deserved L, they actually tried their hardest to do things the wrong way and they did it. This episode is just like every episode of legends of tomorrow featuring Vandal Savage, the team tries to take him, they fail but not without messing with

I was very dissapointed, he met an alien with amazing powers you would think he would like to talk about it with his super nerdy friend Cisco right? Oh well we just have to wait for Supergirl to come to the flash.

Unpopular opinion: no super animals please.